Sustainable strategy


  • How can I build a sustainable organisation for tomorrow’s hotter, scarcer, more uncertain world?

  • How can I build social value into my activities?

  • How can I reduce my carbon footprint and reduce waste?

  • How can I market my “green” credentials?

  • As head of strategy and sustainability for BT’s operations (12,000 people), I rolled out BT’s “Better Future” sustainability programme into its operations.

  • I am a conference speaker, thinker and writer on sustainability.

Coaching and Team Building


  • What would the world lack if I and my team did not exist?

  • Our team needs to align behind a common vision.

  • I can see the potential in my team, but I can’t seem to make it materialise.

  • I need someone to help a member of my team who is not performing as well as they could.

  • I am a certified coach (TransformancePro, Paris), NLP practitioner, and trained in ProcessCom® personality profiles.

  • I am experienced in dealing with executive teams.

  • I am recognised as having strong facilitation skills.

Decision making


  • How can I make long-term strategic decisions when I cannot predict what the world will be like in 5 years’ time?

  • How can we align the key priorities for our executive team?

  • We make decisions at executive team level, but things don’t change on the ground as we would like them to change.

  • I have a doctorate in decision making in a complex and uncertain environment.

  • I have developed a simple model for decision making under complexity.

  • I am recognised as having strong facilitation skills.

Decisions are at the heart of management; they are the key for leveraging an organisation’s resources to deliver value to its stakeholders. The financial resources of social enterprise and NGOs are precious because they are often gifts from hard-won earnings of their supporters. Their “human resources” are even more precious, in the form of lives dedicated to a cause, often paid well below the commercial market rate. I find profound meaning in being able to help such organisations make better strategic decisions, and thus leverage their valuable resources for even greater impact